Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Musical Madness

Immersion AssemblyScreen Shot 2017-10-11 at 2.39.29 PM.png

Musical Madness  
Today on monday the 16th of october we came back from school to learn about our topics Musical Madness.When I got to school we had to line up in our class lines .Were learning about Musical .All of our teacher had to make a movie to tell people what we were learning about.As you know people love music .Music is a great thing to learning about so that is what we are learning about. It is so amazing what we can learn from music.Term 1 was learning about music and how music makes you feel and something makes you cry music you're feeling great and something affect your feeling. Team 2 was learning about making songs with different instruments like drums piano and the guitar and others instruments Team 3 was telling stories with song and also sing in class but with music   Team 4 was learning about songs and music and also sing in the car when they come to school and last but not least Team 5 watching movies like the lion king the lion king is he best movie for little kids. Team 5 was also learning about how music in movie can affect your feeling.Our topic is about music .As you know team 4 had to make a movie and there movie was about them sing in the car well they were coming to school and also screaming with excitement .When they saw Mr J they stopped Singh and  Mr J started sing and was making loud noise  with his music.So that is team 4 topics about .Senec this term topic is Musical Madness I want to learn things about music and instruments and so much more. I also want to learn to play the drums piano and the guitar there is so much more to explore with instruments and music .I love this term theme because I love music and instruments. Music and instruments are amazing .You can do whatever you want to do with instruments like play with the instruments or learn how to play instruments that you have very every had played before.Music is the best thing because something when you are sad you can just listen to songs and it will make you happy .Music is one of a kind it is also written from the best singer from around the world.

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